Dear friend,
do you have an invitation code? Then continue to register here.
Otherwise, welcome to the Spiritual Calendar. Unfortunately, registration is available by invitation only, I am sure you will understand why. To ensure the quality of provided content and to avoid unrestricted dumping of worldwide, localized content this is deemed necessary. The platforms aims to be a sanctuary of high-vibrational, spiritual content, offered by seasoned, spiritual teachers, leaders and masters, focussed on supporting individual and collective, spiritual evolution on Earth.
For this reason, the following conditions are set to be eligible to register and post spiritual events on the platform:
– being an experienced, spiritual teacher
– acknowledging divine, multidimensional reality
– acknowledging the great transition period we are in
– displaying clear, multidimensional mastery en wisdom
– having a large, online profile on social media and video platforms
– organizing non-physical events, spoken in English (such as webinars, live podcasts, live videos, mass meditation and mass healings)
We reserve the right to deviate from these conditions per case, as intuïtion, synchronicity, or the unfoldment of the Divine Plan calls for it.
Please don’t contact us with suggestions, and please don’t expect a response when you do. The group of participants will expand organically through the multidimensional network. Thank you for understanding.